Professional Development

The Constance I. Kugler and Charles E. Kugler, Jr. Scholarship

The Greater Harrisburg Association of REALTORS® annually presents a scholarship to a deserving REALTOR® to help them continue their education and professional development. The scholarship can be used for tuition for any NAR approved Broker or Designation class, offered through GHAR, NAR or any REALTOR® School, up to a maximum scholarship amount of $150. The scholarship must be used within one calendar year of the presentation date.

The applicant must have completed at least one sales transaction in any of the following zip codes:  17013, 17015, 17050 or 17055.

The scholarship is funded through a contribution from the Constance I. Kugler Trust. Both Charles and Constance (Connie) were REALTORS® and wanted their legacy to include a scholarship to promote education and professionalism in the real estate industry.

The annual deadline is November 15.

Apply now:

Hear from past scholarship recipients: