A Little Help, Please
One could argue that I don’t know what I am talking about (I see a few nods of agreement). After all, I give Realtors® plenty of advice without having walked in your shoes. So this once, I am not going to tell you anything: instead, I am asking for your help.
The loss of a family member gave rise for my need to hire a broker in southern California. I wish I could tell you I went about picking “my realtor” in a thoughtful, studied way, but that was not the case (I am writing an article for buyers and sellers regarding the selection of a Realtor® and if you want to offer your advice on this subject, feel free do it as well). Instead I took the recommendation of someone who knew someone.
I got more than lucky. Steve (Steve Abraham of Palm Springs, California) turned out to be superlative. I could go on and on about how generous he was with his time, even before we had a written listing agreement and after settlement. Generous to a fault, meticulous and knowledgeable. Who could ask for more? So my question to you is this: how do you “tip” an exceptional Realtor®? Yes, he made a commission (he shared it with a cooperating broker), but I would like to do more.
Before publishing this article, I posed this question to but one Realtor® and her response was to refer a client to Steve. But Steve is in California and I am in Pennsylvania (remarkably, however, I do have a very good opportunity of referring a seller to Steve).
Regardless, I’d like to hear from you. I am sure money always works, but what do you think about gifts or an appropriate way to say a little extra thank you from a very grateful client?
P.S. I hear that many of these articles are read by consumers. Maybe the satisfied ones will get an idea from this article!