Frequently Asked Questions
If my Broker is a Member, Do I Have to Join?
First, you would need to check with your broker and/or office manager to see what their office/franchise policy is. Some offices and franchises require that licensees affiliated with them must join as REALTOR® members. If you do not join as a REALTOR® member, you would be considered a non-member salesperson.
When do I receive my NRDS number?
A National REALTOR® Database System (NRDS) number will be issued upon fulfillment of all membership requirements.
What happens if an applicant fails to complete the membership requirements?
If a new member applicant fails to complete the membership requirements within 60 days:
- GHAR will notify the applicant and the Designated REALTOR® that the membership requirements have not been met.
- In addition, GHAR will bill the Designated REALTOR® both the application fee and the pro-rated dues amount.
- If the new member applicant fulfills their membership requirements within the next 30 days, they will be deemed a REALTOR® and the Designated REALTOR® will be released from financial obligations.
- If the Designated REALTOR® does not pay this amount within 30 days or place the individual’s license into escrow with the State Real Estate Commission, his/her company membership and all of its agents may be suspended by the Board of Directors.
I’m a licensed appraiser. What kind of membership do I apply for?
A licensed appraiser would apply for Designated REALTOR® membership and follow all of the REALTOR® membership requirements.
What is the membership process if I were a REALTOR® member in another association of REALTORS®?
For individuals with a lapse in membership of one year or less in another association, the membership process is:
- All member applicants that have held a previous membership in another Association of REALTORS®, with a lapse not to exceed one year may become a member upon payment of their dues within 30 days.
- They will not be required to pay the application fee or attend the orientation course provided they attended orientation at their previous Association of REALTORS®.
- If the member applicant pays their dues within the next 30 days, they will be deemed a REALTOR® and the Designated REALTOR® will be released from financial obligations.
- If the dues amount is unpaid within 30 days, GHAR will bill the Designated REALTOR®. If the Designated REALTOR® does not pay this amount within 30 days or place the individual’s license into escrow with the State Real Estate Commission, his/her company membership and all of its agents may be suspended by the Board of Directors.
What is Secondary Membership?
Secondary members hold primary membership with another local Association of REALTORS®. Secondary members would not pay national (NAR) or state (PAR) dues twice. If their primary membership isn’t with an Association within Pennsylvania, they would have the option to join PAR.
What is a Non-Member Salesperson?
The Broker or Designated REALTOR® is responsible to pay an assessment equal to dues. Non-members would not fill out a membership application nor attend the New Member Orientation course. They would not be allowed to use the term “REALTOR®” or use the “R” logo on any of their correspondence, signs, business cards, etc.