About GHAR Commercial Council
Purpose and Services

GHAR serves the needs of our commercial members as they shape and unify the commercial real estate brokerage and service industry.
Commercial REALTOR® members develop, buy, sell, lease, and trade commercial, industrial, retail, and warehouse property. Some commercial members may also be property managers. Some of our Affiliate members supply services to the commercial/industrial market.
The Commercial Council was formed in October 1993 to help GHAR better serve our commercial members. The purpose of the Council is to provide for the education, exchange of information, mutual cooperation, and fellowship of commercial REALTORS®.

GHAR’s Commercial Council was awarded the Diamond Accreditation for Commercial Services from NAR. The accreditation signifies GHAR’s commitment to providing commercial services to members, engaging commercial practitioners, and being the voice for commercial real estate in the region.
The Council is led by a volunteer Board of Directors.