Proposed Bylaw Change

Notice of Proposed Changes to the Constitution & Bylaws

The Annual Meeting of the Greater Harrisburg Association of REALTORS® (GHAR) will convene on October 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

GHAR members will be asked to consider amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws. The Constitution & Bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the REALTOR® members present and qualified to vote at any meeting in which a quorum is present. A quorum consists of ten percent (10%) of the members eligible to vote. The GHAR membership will vote on the amendment in accordance with Article XVI – Amendments of the Constitution & Bylaws of the Greater Harrisburg Association of REALTORS®, Inc. (see the text of Article XVI below)

Article XVI – Amendments

Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by the majority vote of the REALTOR® Members present and qualified to vote at any meeting in which a quorum is present, provided the substance of such proposed amendment or amendments shall be plainly stated in the call for the meeting, except that the Board of Directors may, at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present, approve amendments to the Bylaws which are mandated by NAR policy.

Section 2. Notice of all meetings at which amendments are to be considered shall be mailed to every member eligible to vote at least one (l) week prior to the meeting.

Proposed Bylaw Amendment

In December 2023, the GHAR Board of Directors approved language that would be added to Article XI – Section 6 of the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws, specifically referencing violations of the GHAR Leadership Code of Conduct as a vehicle for removal from the Board of Directors.

Since this is a proposed bylaw change, it needs approval from the GHAR membership at the Annual Meeting in accordance with Article XVI – Amendments.

Article XI Officers and Directors:

The proposed new language is underlined and bolded in RED.

Section 6. Removal of Officers and Directors In the event that an Officer or Director is deemed to be incapable of fulfilling the duties for which elected, or is determined to have violated the GHAR Volunteer Leadership Code of Conduct, but will not resign from office voluntarily, the Officer or Director may be removed from office under the following procedure:

(a) A petition requiring the removal of an Officer or Director and signed by not less than one-third of the voting membership or a majority of all Directors shall be filed with the President, or if the President is the subject of the petition, with the next-ranking officer, and shall specifically set forth the reasons the individual is deemed to be disqualified from further service.

(b) Upon receipt of the petition, and not less than twenty (20) days or more than forty-five (45) days thereafter, a special meeting of the voting membership of the Association shall be held, and the sole business of the meeting shall be to consider the charge against the Officer or Director, and to render a decision on such petition, the year, reaffirming their commitment to the following policies: